目的 报道一组前瞻性的先天性巨结肠同源病(HAD)临床研究总结.方法 2007年6月至2009年12月单一手术组连续行65例巨结肠根治术病例......
Summary: Simulating physiological neuronal and hormonal conditions during digestive and interdigestive periods, the stud......
目的 探讨胆管结石患者术后Oddi括约肌(SO)压力的变化.方法 对60例多次胆道结石手术患者(复发性结石组)、80例首次胆道结石手术患......
A 58-year-old female with a recurrent history of upper abdominal pain and intermittent dysphagia underwent endoscopic ev......
目的 探讨食管中段癌切除术后食管胃吻合附加改良Nissen折叠术的抗反流作用.方法 将82例食管中段癌患者按随机数字表法分为两组,分......
Zhiqiaochuanxiong decoction for major depressive disorder complicated by functional dyspepsia: a cas
【目的】探讨食管测压在诊断弥漫性食管痉挛(DES )中的价值。【方法】回顾性分析2013年6月至2014年6月本院收治的84例DES患者食管测......
目的 通过分析上气道测压阻塞定位指导的中、重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)外科随诊疗效,了解上气道测压阻塞定位的......
AIM: Chronic constipation is a frequent finding in children. In this age range, the concomitant occurrence of megarectum......
Background Manometric pressure asymmetry of the anal sphincter exists in the anal canal. There are reports about the ana......
目的 探讨胆石症与Oddi括约肌(SO)功能的关系.方法 对已行外科胆总管探查术患者术后6周进行胆道镜经T管窦道胆道测压,项目包括SO基......
目的 通过比较上气道压力测定法与Friedman气道阻塞临床分型在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea......
A 58-year-old female with a recurrent history of upper abdominal pain and intermittent dysphagia underwent endoscopic ev......
Background Patients with sliding hiatus hernia (HH) and reflux esophagitis (RE) usually suffer from esophageal dysmotili......
The aim of this paper was to describe functional biliary syndromes and methods for evaluation of the biliary tract in th......
目的 结合肛门直肠测压检查初步探讨阴道后壁脱垂对患者排便功能的影响.方法 总结北京大学人民医院2008年1月至2009年11月40例阴道......
Summary: Simulating physiological neuronal and hormonal conditions during digestive and interdigestive periods, the stud......
Postoperative changes of manometry after restorative proctocolectomy in Korean ulcerative colitis pa
AIM To investigate the changes of postoperative anal sphincter function and bowel frequency in Korean patients with ulce......
目的探讨食管高分辨率测压(high resolution manometry,HRM)在非梗阻性吞咽困难(non obstructive dysphagia,NOD)患者诊断中的价值。方......
AIM: To assess the safety and feasibility of peroral esophageal myotomy(POEM) in patients with achalasia.METHODS: From J......
Dysphagia is a common symptom that is important to recognise and appropriately manage, given that causes include life th......
目的 探讨改良Swemon巨结肠根治术和经肛门Soave巨结肠根治术术后患儿排便控制及直肠肛管测压改变情况.方法 回顾33例改良Swemon巨......
目的:探讨慢性特发性便秘患者的肛门直肠动力学因素的变化。方法:采用PC Polygraf HR高分辨多道胃肠功能测定仪检测20例患者,15名健康......
Effect of morphine and M-cholinoceptor blocking drugs on human sphincter of Oddi during choledochofi
【正】 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of morphine on the human sphincter of Oddi pressure and theantagonism of antic......
AIM: Chronic constipation is a frequent finding in children. In this age range, the concomitant occurrence of megarectum......
有上面的腹的疼痛和断断续续的咽下困难的周期性的历史的 58 岁的女性经历了表明的内视镜的评估一不规则、 nodularesophago 胃(例......
Oddi 机能障碍(草皮) 的括约肌由于在 Oddi 的括约肌的水平的 pancreaticobiliary 流动的功能的阻塞是长期的胆汁的疼痛或周期性的......
食管服务从咽把食物和液体搬运到胃。Manometry 为食道的活动性疾病的诊断是“金色的标准”许多十年了。因此,尽管它反映 squeeze ......
瞄准:用记录技术的最新验证的基于阻抗的轴的力量在主要蠕动期间在食管在轴的力量上学习粘性的效果。方法:能同时测量轴的力量和 man......
Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease characterized by progressive skin thickening and tightness.Pulmonary interst......
AIM:To evaluate individual components of the antro-pyloro-duodenal(APD)motor response to graded small intestinal glucose......
AIM:To study non-cardiac chest pain(NCCP) in relation to ineffective esophageal motility(IEM) and rapid food intake.METH......
Roles of sphincter of Oddi motility and serum vasoactive intestinal peptide,gastrin and cholecystoki
AIM:To investigate roles of sphincter of Oddi(SO)motility played in pigment gallbladder stone formation in model of guin......